三つ編み工房 Plaits

These handicrafts are made from plaits.
About Us



Support Visually Impaired People and Children in Vietnam for their independent and sustainable life
Among the disabled Vietnamese people of about 6 million, there are 600,000 blind and 400,000 amblyopic people in Vietnam. Vietnam office of NPO Minzoku Forum has supported the visually impaired people in Vietnam together with Vietnam Blind Association (VBA) through various projects and activities such as support to Vietnam Braille Library, introduction of IT system to provincial blind associations, donation of Braille printers and PCs, technology transfer of IT system and O&M of printers, etc. Furthermore, we are continuing honest and steady activities of educational and occupational assistance for visually impaired children and people, providing literacy education of Braille and jobs creation at district levels.

Our Activities

Improvement of Vietnam Braille Library (JICA)

Counterpart: Headquarter of Vietnam Blind Association (VBA)

Period: October 2003 - September 2004

◆ベトナム盲人協会本部及び支部のIT設備強化及び人材育成(外務省 日本NGO連携無償資金協力事業)
Improvement of the production capacity of Braille documents of VBA and provinces and through IT system, leading to the independence of visually impaired people (Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Japan)

Counterpart: Headquarter of Vietnam Blind Association (VBA) and provincial blind associations

第1期 2005年10月〜2006年10月

第2期 2008年1月〜2009年1月

第3期 2009年6月〜2010年6月

Phase I: October 2005 - October 2006
Braille printers and PCs were donated to VBA, and trainings were provided to VBA officers for the purpose of enhancing VBA’s activities and functions to distribute Braille documents to provinces.

Phase II: January 2008 - January 2009
Braille printers and PCs were donated to five (5) northern provincial blind associations, and trainings were provided to provincial officers for the purpose of preparing Braille documents by themselves. The trainer training was also held for visually impaired masseurs in Vietnam.

Phase III: June 2009 - June 2010
Braille printers and PCs were donated to five (5) northern/central provincial blind associations, and trainings were provided to provincial officers for the purpose of preparing Braille documents by themselves. The IT training was held for officers of VBA and ten (10) provinces for the purpose of establishing IT network between VBA and provincial blind associations and sharing information, experiences and excellent Braille books.

Braille textbooks and vocational training for visually impaired people in primary math education (Ministry of Posts and telecommunications, Japan)

Counterpart: Headquarter of Vietnam Blind Association (VBA) and provincial blind associations



Phase I: June 2010 -March 2011
Braille math materials for grade 1 and 2 were prepared, and vocational training on primary math teaching was provided to visually impaired people.

Phase II: April 2011 -March 2012
- Braille guidebooks of Math textbooks for primary education
- Vocational training for VBA’s branches and Training Rehabilitation Center on Braille printer and soft-wares for Braille translation and graphics
- Vocational training for visually impaired persons on primary math teaching
- Dissemination of Braille guidebooks of Math textbooks for primary education to VBA’s branches to improve and utilize Braille printers provided by the Embassy of Japan and MF before.

Held the charity concert of Japanese blind violinist in 2007, Mr. Narimiti KAWABATA, encouraging the visually impaired people and children


To support visually impaired people who want to study in Japan, through helping their enrollment procedure and following them up during their study in Japan


中学生時代に失明したソンさんは、社会福祉法人国際視覚障害者援護協会の奨学金制度により、筑波大学付属盲学校へ留学しました。日本の国家資格である、「はり」「きゅう」「あんま・マッサージ・指圧」の試験にそれぞれ合格。帰国後は、ベトナム盲人協会やNPO民族フォーラムの仕事にかかわるとともに、資格を活かしてマッサージを開業しました。その後、2013年4月から、広島大教育学部で特別支援教育を勉強することになりました。 ソンさんからのメッセージはこちら>>>


To support visually impaired children to learn Braille together with VABI blind association




At Bavi district several non-handicapped people experienced sewing machine jobs in local small factories. Bavi blind association is planning for those people to work at their home as well as taking care of their visually impaired parents. We are supporting this plan to create a system of production and sales of garments and small articles, which is a collaborative work of non-handicapped and visually impaired people.